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Taiwan BlueMagpie Tea is committed to turning the upstream of Beishi River in Pinglin into a pesticide-free river basin.

Therefore, we established the “River Basin Recovery” plan, which focuses on the three tributaries of the Beishi River, including Shangde, Dacukeng, and Yuguang. Local farmers and tea gardens, who work with us, refrain from using pesticides, thus, becoming the protectors of the mountains.

River areas are an essential part of our fragile ecosystem, which is why Taiwan BlueMagpie Tea needs your support to keep the river basin pesticide-free.



4/29~5/12 母親節優惠活動





Recommendations of Fine Tea

Before the rain falls, the farmers in Pinglin will rush to collect the tea leaves
to make oriental tea or one with scents of honey.


The core of the “River Basin Recovery” concept is agricultural and commercial integration,
in such a way that the local farmers will work together to make “ecology” a brand. more…

International Taste Institute
2022 Superior Taste Award 3 Star
Honey Scented Black Tea 

Aiming not to become the best corporation “in the world”,

But the best “for the world”.

B Lab is a non-profit organization in the US that advocates the global “redefinition of corporate success” movement: that corporate social responsibility should not be reduced to donations and charity, but become embedded in the practices of a company’s socio-environmental mission and everyday business activities. 


Among B Lab’s initiatives, “B Corp” signifies a new type of corporation that meets a set of stringent benchmarks in profitability, fairness, and public welfare

Taiwan Blue Magpie Tea and Leopard Cat Rice are committed to catchment area environmental recovery, promoting friendly farming practices and improving biological habitats while guaranteeing reasonable profits for farmers and employees, continuing to invite community feedback, and conducting environmental cultural education. We are honored to become a certified B Corp in 2022 and invite you to witness the changes and actions we have made for our land.

Taiwan Miaoli Leopard Cat Rice

“Fongsuwo Leopard Cat Rice” is produced by a group of local farmers that rely on non-toxic, pesticide-free and leopard-cat-friendly agricultural methods. The aim is to convey the concept of leopard cat conservation to society while also revitalizing the community. This way, there will be a balance between ecology and economy.

Following our mission, the “River Basin Recovery” plan and the concept of eco-friendly agriculture, we put all our efforts into promoting our pesticide-free river basin social enterprise. We strive to preserve and expand the natural habitat of the leopard cat. At the same time, we promote the coexistence of ecology and agronomy. Hence, we use neither pesticides nor chemical fertilizers but adapt farming processes to environmental protection standards. 

Our Customer Favourite: Leopard Cat Rice!

The "River Basin Recovery" concept is implemented in the whole making process
of the Taiwan Leopard Cat Rice. It also offers “organic certifications"

and financial incentives to the farmers of the ecological village to improve
the quality of the crops and the conservation level. more... 

International Taste Institute
2021&2022 Superior Taste Award 3 Star
Leopard Cat Puffed Brown Rice (Brown Sugar)

Media Report

Creativity and Diversity Reinvigorate Pinglin 

River Basin Recovery has been running for 12 years and currently works with 25 tea plantations to help them grow tea in an eco-friendly manner that focuses on preserving local wildlife and the quality of the water in the river that supplies much of the water to Taipei. The environment and local livelihoods all depend on the river.