






Before the big harvest, Chang-ming and Yong-song walked to the centre of the field.
When they saw the ripe ears of the rice, they started shouting out in delight: It is ready!
We can finally harvest the Leopard Cat Rice!!

When successfully implementing the eco-village concept of “River Basin Recovery” in the
growing process of Leopard Cat Rice, a crucial point is the farmers’ level of income.
We need to find a balance between organizational operation and quality management,
which is why we offer "organic certifications". Farmers, who are willing to apply for this certificate,
will earn $2 NTD more for their dry grain. By using these financial incentives,
we encourage farmers to increase their level of conservation and their overall quality
of environmental-friendly product output. We are happy to announce that
all the farmers in Neiwo have entered into cooperation with us and our values.
As a result, Fengshuwo became a true ecological village.


Because of a well-organized system and work division, the unit price for dry grain grown
by our farmers surpasses that of Chihshang and Guanshan. Moreover,
the quality of our rice is comparable to Chihshang and Guanshan rice.

However, lasting progress in environmental protection can only be achieved by ensuring
the economic stability of the farmers, the protectors of the mountains.
Hence, the eco-village needs everyone's support.

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