

為了找這古早味,我們尋訪一山又一山的農家,竟發現“古早味”(台語發音)就平平擺在茶農家餐桌上,萎凋重一些、抓香緊一些;原來,是要進到茶農家才喝得到 ─ 農家茶。


There is a rumour in Pinglin that, about fifty years ago, Pouchong Tea did not taste like today but had more flavour.

Every family on the mountain has heard this story.

To find the traditional flavour, we searched all the farmhouses one after another and, to our surprise,
discovered that it is just the regular tea served by the locals every day to their kin.
The tea tastes and smells slightly more intense than the one available on the market.
It turns out that you need to visit the tea farmers’ houses if you wish to try the so-called “farm tea”.